Scraping a more specific XPATH


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  • #1320
    Luke BaumannLuke Baumann

    Hi I really like the plugin so far but I am having one issue… I am trying to scrape and create multiple posts from the listings found on this page.

    the Problem is that this page contains tabbed content. The serial items (links) i am scraping are present in all of the tabs. So instead of scraping the content from one specific tab it scrapes all of the tabs which is not what I want. If i could somehow come up with a longer Xpath that specifies only the unique tab ID that would resolve my problem. Is that possible? If so could you assist on this?

    I attached an image of what I am trying to scrape. As you can see there are tabs on top that are retrieved in my scrape results. I would want just one tab to be scraped at a time. id=”tab_tap”

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    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, you can achieve it. Please use the following XPath for “Item’s Path” in Step 1:

    //div[contains(@id, "tab_tap")]//h4[contains(@class, "media-heading")]/a

    Let us know if any issue.

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