purchase code is being listed as invalid

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  • #1440
    Lea BaileyLea Bailey

    This seems to be a regular issue but could someone please assist me?

    I just purchased your product but I am receiving the following error:

    Invalid License

    Your purchase code is not available for licensing. Please enter valid purchase code to use visual editor. You could contact with our support team if you think there is a mistake.

    Support Site: support.wpbots.net
    Support Articles

    How do I get purchase code for plugin?
    How do I install plugin to my WordPress web site?
    How do I contact support?

    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, I have created a separate ticket for you. Can you please let us know your site’s backend login details (as private reply) so that we can look into the issue further? Also let us know your Scraper purchase code. Thanks!

    salim bsalim b

    i have the same error, why

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