Start scraping from certain paragraph

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  • #1945
    Ioannis MavroudisIoannis Mavroudis

    Hello, I have purchased this fantastic plugin. I want to parse multiple posts from
    I do not want to scrape the table of contents, and I want the scraper to start from a certain paragraph and below.


    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, thanks! Can you please let us know what exactly you want to scrape and from which source url exactly? Screenshot will be helpful. Thanks!

    Ioannis MavroudisIoannis Mavroudis

    Thank you very much for your prompt response. I want to scrape content from a list urls, one of them is
    I want to scrape everything below Overview. When I use the scraper it takes everything, including the table of contents on the right which I do not want.

    Best Regards

    Suman M.Suman M.

    I checked it and because of the HTML structure in this site, the content without table of content cannot be scraped. You’ll need to filter out the unwanted content in your site’s frontend. You can either remove it using code before displaying or else use CSS like below (in theme’s stylesheet) to hide it.

    table.infobox { display:none !important; }

    Thanks & Regards!

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