Hello, I find an error when extracting data from the web
I have tried it in two ways, the first from that website I extract each article (from each article I extract the name and image)
Normally it gives me the HTTP Code: 500 error and extracts one or none of the elements.
I have also tried with bulk shaving putting all the urls of each product, in this case sometimes it does not extract anything and other times it extracts between 6 and 10 products (I have tried many times)
and when it doesn’t extract anything it throws the error HTTP Code: 200.
I know it has a limit of 500 url but I usually put 100.
Other information:
I have activated the scraper pro
I put scrape time of 2 minutes and delay of 30 seconds
I have tried different loops such as 10 in a loop of 100 or similar things to find the correct way since I have to scrape more than 10,000 articles, later it will only be a few a month but now it is hard work.
I hope you can help me, thanks!