Product Tags

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  • #670
    Michael GolleyMichael Golley

    Hi, I’m trying to scrape to scrape a URL, I would like to extract 3 separate product tags.

    However, when the Scraper is run and the products are produced, only one tag is created. Can you please help.

    This is the URL i’m scraping

    FYI, of my Tags is simply taken from ‘{{source_domain}}’

    I’ve added a screenshot of my setup.

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    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, can you please let us know what data/field from the given source url you are trying to scrape into Tags field?

    Also, you can switch to ‘advanced mode’ for more options –

    Michael GolleyMichael Golley

    Thanks, sorry for the delayed response.

    Each product tag is as follows –

    Tag 1 -//select[@id=”size”]

    Tag 2 – Just using the shortcode {{source_domain}}

    Tag 3 -//div[contains(concat (” “, normalize-space(@class), ” “), “floatright”)]/h1 | //div[2]/div/div[1]/div[2]/h1

    Text context (No HTML) is selected for all of them.


    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, do you mean to combine multiple fields/values into a Product Tag? In that case, you’ll need to select the values into different Custom Variable fields and then merge them together. Please do these:

    – select the value into a Custom Variable field for each tag –
    – select Product tag field and select a tag field for it, and then click on Transform button –
    – go to Shortcodes tab and combine the tag fields that you have created –
    (all your selected values will be available as Tags)

    Michael GolleyMichael Golley

    Worked perfectly!


    Suman M.Suman M.

    Good to know that it’s working for you. Cheers!

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