Queue status

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  • #994
    Al MAl M

    Hi. Recently began to notice how some tasks ceased to be carried out, acquiring the status of “Queue”. How to fix it and why is this happening? Pressing “run” does not give a result

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    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, thanks for contacting us. I see that there are several scheduled tasks. This might cause lot of overhead to server depending upon number of posts to be scraped and imported in each task. You’ll need to have at least 1024M PHP memory limit and max execution time shall be 600seconds or more. Also, set “Loop Limit” value to 5 in Limits tab (while saving task). Also, enable Reset task option – https://www.screencast.com/t/ni2VmmzTyHCR

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Suman M.Suman M..
    Al MAl M


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