the parser processes only the first two pages of the list

wpBots Support – The best crawlers for WordPress Forums SCRAPER (after-sales) General Issues the parser processes only the first two pages of the list

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  • #2205
    Alex BAlex B

    help me please
    I set up parsing for several pages, specify a link to the next page, however the parser processes only 2 pages and stops at that.
    How can I make the parser go through all the pages of the store?

    In the parser settings – I specified a link to the site (next)

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    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, thanks for contacting us. Can you please let us know your Scraper Task ID so that we can check?
    Also, make sure that your site/server’s PHP memory limit is at least 512M and Max execution time limit is 300 seconds or more.

    Alex BAlex B


    it works well, but first 2 pages only

    Suman M.Suman M.

    I checked it and seems to be working fine. I will need to login to your site to look into the issue further. Please let us know your site’s backend login details as private reply. And also let us know your site/server’s PHP memory limit and Max execution time limit.

    Alex BAlex B
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Suman M.Suman M.

    I’ve created a task “” in your site. Please check it and let us know. Thanks!

    Alex BAlex B

    According to your configuration, the parsing generally processed only one page

    Alex BAlex B

    only 30 url from 1 page

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    Suman M.Suman M.

    I checked the scrape preview and it’s fetching from other pages too. Can I delete all the products in draft state from your site? Better if you delete them, so that I can check the task further. Thanks!

    Alex BAlex B

    You can do that, everything works correctly.
    modified, which in the conductors, regret to control – which do not necessarily perform real loads.
    Participate, which cards are placed in the Tumbl, and necessarily the original.

    Alex BAlex B

    It seems not quite correctly translated Google

    You can do everything on the site so that the parser works correctly. Now I have deleted the drafts that he uploaded on your setup

    You can try again
    And I also draw attention to the fact that he uploads pictures to the gallery small (not originals) – can this be somehow configured?

    Suman M.Suman M.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Alex BAlex B

    this is not scary, the error indicates the conclusion of the report, and it continues to parse with it. According to my settings – I get the first two pages – but no more. If you set up the parser parsed so that it moves on, then you can get the rest – it’s all about the parser settings.

    Suman M.Suman M.

    Scraping gallery images for each of the posts is resource heavy operation. If the gallery images are not important then you can try removing that from the scrape. Let us know.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Suman M.Suman M..
    Alex BAlex B

    Can you configure the parser to work?!? It doesn’t work correctly!

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