URL Price Scrape

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  • #2400
    DJuane JacksonDJuane Jackson

    Peace and greeting,

    Team, I am trying to scrape the PRICE from (https://serverpartswarehouse.com/new-american-bass-vfl15d1-15-inch-4000-watts-subwoofer/) how ever it will not return correctly. can you please help. Furthermore just a suggestion make a tip jar tab on tickets so we can tip support when we see deemed. Thanks

    Suman M.Suman M.

    Hi, thanks for contacting us and for your suggestion. Please use the following XPath for the price.

    //div[contains(@class, "productView-scope")]//span[contains(@class, "price–main")]

    Also, you’ll need to click on price field’s transform button and set these options – https://www.screencast.com/t/ffK9SQ0z75

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Suman M.Suman M..
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