Troubleshoot : Memory issues on Scraper

You may experience issues with memory. With enabling error reporting you can determine issue.


  1. Limit your task : With limiting your task Scraper will allocate limited amount of space on memory. You can simply limit your task on project settings, limit section.
  2. Disable memory limits : If your server already has enough memory resource but your PHP settings limits it, you could simply disable memory limits on plugin settings.
  3. Gallery images : If your task scrapes too much gallery images, you may limit gallery images to avoid memory issues. With simple xpath expression, you could manage to limit downloading gallery images. Example : [position() < 5] , if you add this expression to end of your gallery xpath, it will only download 5 images.

Upgrading Your Server

If you still get memory errors after the methods above, you should upgrade your hosting. Scraping process requires at least 512 MB RAM. And some shared-cloud hosting companies provides low RAM resource which is not enough for scraping.

Scraper processes tasks with chunks. Meaning that plugin already uses limited amount of resource. If these three methods doesn’t work on your website, you should upgrade your server.

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